Meeting Title: National Marine Litter Data Collection Training Workshop in Seychelles
Location: Mahe island, Seychelles
Date: 26th August - 4th September 2019
Partners: Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Seychelles, Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
SDG Indicators: 14.1.1
Type: Marine Litter
Brief Description
The National Marine Litter Data Collection Training Workshop was held from 26 August to 04 September 2019 on Mahe island, Seychelles, in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Seychelles, the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). The objectives of the workshop were to test the draft methodology for SDG indicator 14.1.1 on marine litter and further refine it based on field experiences with CSIRO’s methodology, collect a robust baseline of data on the state of marine litter in Seychelles, in order to inform the National Source Inventory for marine litter currently under development, and lead to a National Action Plan on Marine Litter in Seychelles, building on the Nairobi Convention’s recent Regional Action Plan for Marine Litter in East Africa, and build capacity in marine litter monitoring and data collection among participants, who were composed of government officials, civil society NGOs, and academia. Over 100 sites were sampled in inland, riverine, coastal (beach) and offshore locations across all of Mahe island, with further sites on outlying islands planned for future data collection.
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