GRIDs Network
The Global Resource Information Database Centres (GRIDs) Network supports UNEP in keeping the world environment under review with data analytics, and we are a worldwide network of environmental data centres created by UNEP since mid-1980s. Each centre is made up of data scientists who acquire, handle and analyse environmental and natural resource issues through Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing imageries, in situ data and/ or statistical data, as well as to transform data into evidence-based information and knowledge, and disseminate them in a timely and understandable manner to enhance the science-policy interface.

GRID-Arendal transforms environmental data into innovative, science-based information products and provide capacity-building services, aiming to inform and activate global audience and motivate decision makers to effect positive changes.

GRID-Geneva uses its geospatial competencies in remote sensing, data cubes, GIS modeling, data platforms design and development, etc., to support online interactive data visualization, publications, International Agreed Environmental Goals and online reporting.

UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre was established to foster sustainable management of natural resources. It collects, processes and facilitates access to data and information, and promotes the application of spatial data and Geographic Information Systems.

The Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre) joined UNEP to create GRID-Azores. It assesses environmental issues with data from satellites, develops tools and methods for decision making, and strengthens knowledge transfer and capacity building.

Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI)’s mission is to facilitate the access to quality environmental data that equips policymakers with actionable, timely information to inform and guide critical decisions towards a sustainable future.
(Note: The currently inactive website is provided here for archival purposes only)

GRID-Sioux Falls supported UNEP in creating different products, such as the comparison of satellite images to show environmental change hotspots, the “Atlas of Our Changing Environment” publication, a series of alerts on emerging global environmental issues, etc.
(Note: The currently inactive website is provided here for archival purposes only)

The Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI) collaborate with UNEP in producing geospatial information for the Global Environmental Outlook 6, the interoperability of Digital Earth platforms at China and the World Environment Situation Room.
(Note: The currently inactive website is provided here for archival purposes only)

GRID-Nairobi is within the Early Warning and Assessment Division of UNEP, and is supported by staff with geospatial and data analytics capabilities. Collaborating with the Regional Office for Africa, GRID-Nairobi is established to become a centre part of the GRIDs Network.