Indicator 12.4.2
12.4.2 (a) Hazardous waste generated per capita; and (b) proportion of hazardous waste treated, by type of treatment (Tier II).
This indicator is under the custodianship of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD). The indicator includes hazardous generated, hazardous waste generated by type (including e-waste as a sub-indicator) and the proportion of hazardous waste treated. For the e-waste sub-category, United Nations University is a co-custodian.
Hazardous waste generated should include collected hazardous waste (either by specialized companies or by municipal services), hazardous waste which is given by the generator directly to the treatment or disposal facility, as well as an estimation of hazardous waste which is unaccounted for. Generated hazardous waste includes exported hazardous waste and excludes imports of hazardous waste.
A generic global generation rate could be applied to estimate national generation; however, it should be adjusted to better fit the specificities of the country. One tool to aid this is a dataset associated with the “What a Waste” publication that contains for selected countries country-specific data on hazardous waste as well as population data. The suggested sub-indicators on hazardous waste include both generation and treatment:
- Hazardous waste generated (in tonnes, per km sq of land area and per capita)
- Hazardous waste generated by type, including e-waste
- Proportion of hazardous waste treated
This indicator will be collected through the UNEP/UNSD Joint Questionnaire on Environment Statistics and supplemented with data collection from the UNEP Indicator Reporting Information System.
12.4.2 Metadata
12.4.2 Methodology
12.4.2 Data
12.4.2 Contact: