SDG 6 goes beyond drinking water, sanitation and hygiene to also address the quality and sustainability of water resources, which are critical to the survival of people and the planet.

SDG 6 Portal
SDG 6 seeks to ensure safe drinking water and sanitation for all, focusing on the sustainable management of water resources, wastewater and ecosystems.

6.5.1 IWRM
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator 6.5.1 tracks the degree of integrated water resources management (IWRM) implementation in countries.

6.6.1 Freshwater Ecosystem Explorer
SDG target 6.6 seeks to halt the degradation and destruction of water-related ecosystems and to assist the recovery of those already degraded.
Water Quality
Globally, over 3 billion people are at risk of disease because the water quality of their rivers, lakes and groundwater is unknown, due to a lack of data.

GEMStat Data Portal
The Global Freshwater Quality Database GEMStat provides scientifically-sound data and information on the state and trend of global inland water quality.

World Water Quality Alliance
A voluntary and flexible global multi-stakeholder network that advocates the central role of freshwater quality in achieving prosperity and sustainability.

SDG 6.3.2 Storymap
SDG indicator 6.3.2 builds a picture of water quality at global and local scales. This information supports action designed to protect water bodies.
Freshwater Ecosystems
A fifth of the world’s river basins are experiencing dramatic fluctuations in water availability, and 2.3 billion people are living in countries categorized as “water-stressed”.

Flood and Drought Portal
The Flood and Drought portal is developed as part of the Flood and Drought Management Tools project.

SDG 6.6.1 Freshwater Ecosystem Explorer
SDG target 6.6 seeks to halt the degradation and destruction of water-related ecosystems and to assist the recovery of those already degraded.
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)
Development and management of water, land and related resources in order to maximize economic and social welfare in an equitable manner, without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems.

SDG 6.5.1 IWRM Data Portal
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator 6.5.1 tracks the degree of integrated water resources management (IWRM) implementation in countries.
Excess nutrients from fertilizers, fossil fuel burning, and wastewater from humans, livestock, aquaculture and industry lead to air, water, soil and marine pollution, with loss of biodiversity and fish, destruction of ozone and additional global warming potential.

Tackling global water pollution.
Source to Sea (S2S)
By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, particularly from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution.

UNEP source to sea actions
Source to Sea actions
Capacity Development

GEMS/Water Moodle Courses
Guidance and training on all aspects of water quality monitoring and assessment.

GEMS/Water Capacity Development Centre
Promote and support water quality monitoring and assessment

WWQA Capacity Development Consortium
Coming Soon
Click For More
More Resources – Selected Assessments and Reports
- Working document - Information on implementation of resolution 3/10 on addressing water pollution to protect and restore water-related ecosystems - UNEA 5.1 - February 2021
- Information Document - Progress in the implementation of resolution 3/10 on addressing water pollution to protect and restore water-related ecosystems - UNEA 5.1 - February 2021
- ASSESSING GROUNDWATER QUALITY: A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE (Importance, methods and potential data sources) - World Water Quality Alliance (WWQA), 2020
- WORLD WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT: First Global Display of a Water Quality Baseline - World Water Quality Alliance (WWQA), 2020
- Monitoring Plastics in Rivers and Lakes: Guidelines for the Harmonization of Methodologies - United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 2020
- UNEA Resolution 3/10 - Addressing water pollution to protect and restore water-related ecosystems - 2017
- The Snapshot Report of the World’s Water Quality - United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 2016
- Towards a Worldwide Assessment of Freshwater Quality - UN - Water, 2016