Meeting Title: Expert Group Meeting for SDG Indicator 17.7.1: Environmentally Sound Technologies
Location: Paris, France
Date: 28th - 29th March 2018
Partners: N/A
SDG Indicators: 17.7.1
Type: Global Methodology
In the context of monitoring progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UN Environment is the custodian of several indicators, including for SDG 17.7.1 on environmentally sound technologies (ESTs). This indicator is classified as Tier III since no methodology exists for its monitoring. In its role as custodian, UN Environment is therefore responsible for leading the methodological development of the indicator, and subsequently for compiling and reporting data on it to the Global SDGs Database.
SDG Target 17.7 Promote development, transfer, dissemination and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies to developing countries on favorable terms, including on concessional and preferential terms, as mutually agreed
Indicator 17.7.1 Total amount of approved funding for developing countries to promote the development, transfer, dissemination and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies.
To support the development of the methodology, UN Environment has established a Technical Expert Group, comprising of experts from relevant UN agencies, other International and Regional Organisations, National governments, research organisations, and academia.
A first Technical Expert Group Meeting, held in January 2018 (via webinar), provided an opportunity for an initial brainstorming on some of the key issues related to the indicator. Subsequently, a questionnaire was circulated to capture additional input and stimulate further reflection on the key elements of the indicator. A series of bilateral consultations were also held with various members of the Group. The Group met in person for the first time on 28-29 March 2018 at UN Environment’s Office in Paris. Given the complexity of the indicator, the main objective of this meeting was to gain convergence on the key definitional and methodological issues and define a way forward for its further development. The key issues for discussion and agreement were:
- The purpose of the indicator
- What is valuable to measure? Should the indicator promote and measure investments in ESTs in all countries? Or should it focus on financial support for developing countries?
- The definition of Technology
- What is feasible to measure within the scope of the indicator – both hard and soft technologies?
- Agreement on approach for categorizing ‘environmentally-sound technologies’:
- Criteria, i.e. impact-based, performance gains, purpose-based
- International standard v. nationally-defined based on common criteria and guidance
- Agreement on which financial flows may be measured
- Identification of suitable data sources (international or national level)
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