Expert Group Meeting on SDG indicator 12.C.1 on Fossil Fuel Subsidies

Expert Group Meeting on SDG indicator 12.C.1 on Fossil Fuel Subsidies

29 September 2017

In the context of monitoring progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UN Environment is the custodian of indicator 12.c.1 on fossil fuel subsidies. To support the development of a methodology to measure fossil fuel subsidies, UN Environment, in collaboration with the Italian G7 Presidency, convened a meeting of technical experts on 29 September 2017 in Rome, Italy. UN Environment commissioned and presented a methodological options paper, which is being developed by the Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI) and the Organizations for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). This meeting provided an opportunity for experts to consider and discuss some of the key issues to be agreed upon in developing the methodology to measure fossil fuel subsidies.

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