Meeting Title: Expert Group meeting on SDG 14.1, Coastal Eutrophication and Marine Pollution
Location: Paris, France
Date: 12th to 13th September 2018
Partners: IOC-UNESCO
SDG Indicators: 14.1.1
Type: Coastal eutrophication and floating plastic debris density
Brief Description
As the custodian agency for SDG Indicator 14.1.1, ‘Index of coastal eutrophication and floating plastic debris density,’ UN Environment is tasked with supporting countries to implement methodologies and procedures to report against target 14.1 ‘By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution’. In close collaboration with Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC-UNESCO), a workshop was organized to bring scientific experts, regional seas programmes and earth observation specialists working on the science of marine pollution indicators, data capture and dissemination together, to advance the global methodology on eutrophication and plastic debris assessment under SDG Target 14.1.
The workshop sought to address the trepidation over the variability on how data is collected, assimilated, packaged and made available for users. This asserts the need to facilitate the process to help designated entities in countries to understand what is available and make determinations on how best to utilize assessment methods and information products to support reporting against the marine pollution target. Under the Sustainable Development Goals process, the vision is for harmonization of the methodology at the global level, with the assistance of the UN family agencies and various partnerships and support mechanisms available.
The objectives of this workshop were:
- Determine the state of science on the target indicators (index of coastal eutrophication potential, floating plastic debris and other relevant metrics).
- Explore the application of ‘big data’ through earth observation systems and how these can be applied in linking landuse change with respect to freshwater and coastal pollution.
- Determine a systematic approach to facilitate country adoption of a ‘harmonized approach’.
- Determine the scale of reporting and how to apply across transboundary waters; coastal and open ocean.
- Determine roles among agencies in the development process; who can provide what and what is already being done and available.
- Examine the types of reporting that can be done globally versus nationally and how these can be integrated for seamless reporting.