Expert consultation on gender-environment statistics
Date: 30 January, 2018
Location: Online
SDG Indicators: 1.4.2, 5.a.1, 5.a.2, 11.2.1
UN Environment and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) have recognised the importance of gender-responsive information gathering and are partnering to assess the existing knowledge base in the area of gender and environment and identify challenges of and strategies for developing and gathering national-level data and statistics on gender and environmental issues. The aim of this project is to develop, or enhance, indicators to measure gender equality and women’s empowerment in the environmental domain, based on background research, consultation with experts and three country case studies. Country case studies will investigate both the enabling environments and obstacles for the collection, and application, of gender responsive information and data across the environmental sector and will be conducted in Lao PDR, Kenya and Mexico in the coming months. The outputs of this project are anticipated to enhance capacity of national statistical offices around the world, especially in the three countries of study, and elevate the discussion on the importance of gender-environment statistics at multiple levels.
To inform the country case studies, and to enhance the accompanying research report, a participatory consultation was conducted with experts in the gender, environment and statistics fields, and particularly, the intersections of these fields. The goal was to share experiences, challenges and lessons learned in order to learn more about how to successfully support countries in developing appropriate indicators and how to accurately gather information on those indicators to gain more (and better) knowledge about the intersections of gender and the environment.
A research paper is the final deliverable of this project, Including integrating lessons and recommendations from relevant studies previously done on measuring the gender-environment nexus; engagement of expert working group(s), especially through working sessions such as this one; and facilitation of national case studies as mentioned. The final draft paper will recommend how to measure priority issues, especially in the context of the SDGs; capacity needs and opportunities at national level; and a global strategy for measuring the gender-environment nexus.
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