Country mission to Lao PDR - Measuring Gender-Environment Statistics
Dates: 12 - 16th February 2018
Location: Lao People's Democratic Republic
SDG Indicators: 1.4.2, 5.a.1, 5.a.2, 11.2.1
UN Environment and International Union for Conservation of Nature are implementing a project on Gender and Environment Statistics, aimed at exploring best practices for developing indicators and gathering information and statistics at national level for priority sectors and related Sustainable Development Goals. The country mission in Lao PDR took place on 12-16 February 2018. The mission involved meeting with different stakeholders through key informant interviews and a two-day workshop to explore connections between environmental concerns, gender equality and women’s empowerment to better understand enabling conditions as well as challenges for the collection and application of gender data across environmental sector in Lao PDR.
The team assessed the available data as well as the needs of Lao PDR in terms of measuring gender and environment and making recommendations on filling data gaps. The focus of the indicators were relating to the priority areas outlined in UN Environment's flagship report, the Global Gender and Environment Outlook, 2016 and International Union for Conservation of Nature's Environment Gender Information platform (EGI) (priority 1: Right to land, natural resources and biodiversity; priority 2: Access to food, energy, water and sanitation; priority 3: Climate change Sustainable Consumption and Production, and health and well-being; and priority 4: Women’s participation in Environmental decision making).
This in-country mission will inform a final report prepared by the International Union for Conservation of Nature discussing potential indicators for measuring the four priority issues mentioned above. This report will be presented to the UN Inter-Agency Expert Group on Gender Statistics meeting among other meetings.
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