Meeting Title: Consultation Workshop on SDG Indicator 17.14.1 and Environment Statistics.
Location: Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Date: 13th – 14th January 2020
SDG Indicators: 17.14.1
Type: Physical Accounts of Forests and Timber Resources, Water, Land, and Forest Accounts
Brief description
The Sustainable Development Goal 17 covers partnerships and means of implementation to achieve the goals. In this respect, mechanisms for policy coherence are identified as an important aspect of means of implementation with indicator 17.14.1 measuring “Number of countries with mechanisms in place to enhance policy coherence of sustainable development”. The pilot testing of SDG 17.14.1 involved a mixture of sessions in plenary and group exercises to present the draft methodology and try to apply it in the National context. The second part of the workshop focused on the development of physical accounts water, Land and forests.
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