World Environment Situation Room Citizen Science portal



GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project:

A global initiative enlisting thousands of students, teachers, and communities to collect data on mosquitoes, for a global mapping project that is building networks with public health officials to better control mosquitoes and reduce mosquito-borne infectious disease. visit...

GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper:

The tool allows citizen scientists to train in the GLOBE Mosquito Protocol, identify disease-carrying mosquitoes, eliminate their breeding sites, and prevent future Zika and other mosquito-borne disease outbreaks. see more...

GLOBE Mosquito Protocol Bundle:

This protocol bundle combines all GLOBE protocols that are related to the Mosquito habitat mapper app and explains how they are related. see more...

Mosquito Alert -

This data set has been created through the efforts of the Mosquito Alert team, and the thousands of citizen scientists who have volunteered their energy and contributed reports on the Mosquito Alert platform.see more...Participate Now

Health Map

This is an established global leader in utilizing online informal sources for disease outbreak monitoring and real-time surveillance of emerging public health threats. It delivers real-time intelligence on a broad range of emerging infectious diseases for a diverse audience including libraries, local health departments, governments, and international travelers.
Outbreaks Near Me : 




GLOBE Biosphere

The Biosphere Protocols offer ways to quantify seasonal change, land cover, land use, and the amounts of living and dead biomass on the land surface. see more...


CyberTracker projects have been initiated to monitor and help capture observations on a daily basis and make, it possible to visualize changes in the global ecosystem in real time.see more...

ESRI Citizen Science Manager

Presents one or more maps used to report observations of wild plants or animals. Users can anonymously submit  new reports, review existing reports, and comment and vote on reports or observations submitted by other users. They also can authenticate with their social media or ArcGIS credentials and track the status of observations they have reported.see more...

National Audubon Society

Aims to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity.see more...


This is a community that engages Canadians in collecting scientific information on nature to understand the changing environment. see more...

Project Noah

This is a leading resource for nature exploration and documentation. Create a mission today and harness the power of their platform for your cause.see more...


Recent research points to the widespread (but largely overlooked) protected area downgrading, downsizing, and degazettement (PADDD).In response, is documenting the patterns, trends, causes, and consequences of PADDD. allows you to learn about PADDD, track events and share your experiences with the world. is an initiative of the World Wildlife Fund. see more...

What’s Invasive app

helps experts find Invasive species – which often threaten native plants and animals. It has been developed by the University of Georgia. see more...


Biocaching is a concept under development and aims to be an educative gaming app, based on observing and taking pictures of species. A design goal is that the app will be easy to use, with tools to help the user identify the species, and fun, with a gaming concept that engages users over time. Biocaching will use open data from diverse sources, such as the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (NBIC), the Encyclopedia of Life, the Catalogue of Life and Wikipedia. All observations collected by the Biocaching game will be forwarded to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), and will be freely available for use by both science and the society.see more...

World Wide Views

provides decision-makers with a unique insight into the global public opinion on complex governance issues that are debated and negotiated at global venues, such as the UN. See the 2015 World wide views on Climate and Energy. The 2016 project will focus on Biodiversity.see more...

The OpenTreeMap software by Azavea is an open source collaborative platform for crowdsourced tree inventory, ecosystem services calculations, urban forestry analysis, and community engagement.see more...



Hydro-Meteorology And Air Quality Measurements

The Trans-African HydroMeteorological Observatory 

(TAHMO) aims to install a dense cost-effective network of 20,000 hydro-meteorological measuring stations in Africa, each one costing just $500. This network will measure all standard meteorological variables (rainfall, radiation, temperature, humidity, wind speed and wind direction). The data will be combined with models and satellite observations to obtain much more insight into the distribution of water and energy stocks and fluxes in Africa. see more...

Extreme Citizen Science Lab UCL/Mapping for Change 

It has low cost Nitrogen Dioxide gas diffusion tubes which were distributed to communities in the city of London. The accumulated NO2 readings are then posted on a local area map on a website.see more...

Citizen Sense in Goldsmiths, University of London

Includes access to data stories, videos showing the findings from the citizen monitoring activities related to air quality in northeastern Pennsylvania. see more...

Public lab 'Open Air' initiative 

Supports specific projects in four topic areas, Open Air, Open Water, Open Land and Civic Kits, in order to enable cohesive community  collaboration across hardware, software, expertise, and locale. see more...

GLOBE Countries and Member's Map

(GLOBE) Program is an international science and education program , that provides students and the public worldwide with the opportunity to participate in data collection and the scientific process, and contribute meaningfully to our understanding of the Earth system and global environment. Announced by the U.S. Government on Earth Day in 1994, GLOBE launched its worldwide implementation in 1995.Videosee more...


Helps answer questions like what are the levels of air pollution around your home. or business? and what about noise pollution? and humidity?. It allows sharing of responses, comparisons with other places in your city to improve environment quality. see more...

Air Quality Egg 

A sensor system designed to allow anyone to collect very high resolution readings of NO2 and CO concentrations outside of their home.see more...


Measures the air you breathe – allowing you to see harmful pollution wherever and whenever you need to see more...

Clean Air for London 

Aims to achieve full compliance with WHO guidelines for air quality throughout London and elsewhere. see more...

Citi-Sense project

Shares objective and subjective information about air quality, and acoustic and thermal comfort. see more...


Aims to implement a low cost accurate air quality monitoring system to sample a set of chemical sensors, , temperature, pressure and relative humidity. see more...

SpeckSensor App 

Allows users to get up-to-date Air Quality Index numbers for their current location to quickly see if the air they are breathing is healthy and how it compares to other sites. see more...

Friends of the Earth

Is developing a kit you can use to monitor, avoid, and improve polluted air where you live.see more...

Clean Air UK 

Measures air pollution in UK neighborhoods.          see more...

Opal Survey

Infers air quality by observing its effects on lichens. see more...

Science for change Kosovo 

currently measures NO2 and PM2.5.   see more...



GLOBE Ocean Protocol Bundle

Oceans are complex ecosystems, which implies that their study needs to take into consideration several interrelated physical parameters, not to mention mechanisms and processes which reflect the interaction between land and oceans along coastal zones as well as the interaction between the atmosphere and oceans. This group of protocols is to be jointly implemented to improve our knowledge about oceans see more...


This is a mobile interface which encourages mariners to participate in a global study of the phytoplankton in the sea. Phytoplankton support the marine food chain and scientists need help understanding the effects of climate change on their habitats.

Marine Debris Tracker

This is a joint partnership of the NOAA Marine Debris Division and the Southeast Atlantic Marine Debris Initiative. (SEA-MDI). It allows users to log and document marine debris. It is available in Google Play and on iTunes for iPhone and iPad.see more...

OpenROV - mapping the world's oceans

An Underwater Drone for Everyone




 GLOBE at Night

Germany’s Cosalux GmbH developed the Loss of the Night app to help scientists measure and understand the effects of light pollution on health, environment and society. Users take part in a worldwide citizen science project—called GLOBE at Night— by mapping light pollution and star visibility. see more...


It contains data related to strategic noise maps delivered in accordance with European Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise. It is the Noise Observation and Information Service for Europe maintained by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Topic Centre for Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation (ETC-ACM) on behalf of the European Commission.

Plume Labs

Lets Londoners track average pollution levels in their city.Pigeon Air Patrol. Pigeons are equipped with little backpacks carrying ultra-light pollution sensing , In March 2016, they launched the first ever flock of pollution-monitoring pigeons to map pollution in the city - Pigeon Air Patrol. Pigeons are equipped with little backpacks carrying ultra-light pollution sensing technologies to track air quality all around London.see more...


Created with the purpose of turning smartphones into mobile noise level meters. The NoiseTube research project began in 2008 at the Sony . Computer Science Laboratory Paris in partnership with the Free University of Brussels to study the public’s exposure to noise in everyday environments. see more...

BuioMetria Partecipativa

&The Participatory night sky quality monitoring project (BuioMetria Partecipativa) started from Italy in 2008. It promotes collection of data on light light pollution using a Sky Quality Meter and fixed SQM stations producing high-quality time series light pollution. Since January 2013 represents Italy in a research network involving almost 40 organizations in 18 countries, funded within the European COST programme. see more...

Pollution Map

The 'Pollution Map' app (available for both iOS and Android) has been developed by Beijing-based Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs and uses data from some 15,000 factories throughout China that are now required to report emissions to local officials and the Environment Ministry on an hourly basis. see more..


Citizen Science Project Inventories

Commons Lab

within the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars is a Federal database of USA government sponsored crowdsourcing and citizen science projects. Their mission is to mobilize public participation and innovation in science, technology, and policy through research and development. see more..

European Citizen Science Association

This is an association supported by organizations from over 17 EU countries and beyond, who are working together with environmental regulators to encourage the growth of the Citizen Science movement in Europe and internationally. ECSA members cover different fields, such as biological science, do-it-yourself approaches, environmental mapping, social sciences and more. see more...


citizen science platform. Their database of more than 1,100 citizen science projects will enable discovery, organization, and greater participation in citizen science. see more...

Österreich forscht 

provides an inventory of citizen science projects in Austria. see more...


Spatial Programmes


This is an online mapping software that uses visualization, collaboration, and analysis to present citizen science data in a simple and beautiful web interface. It offers dynamic rendering and geo-temporal visualizations of real-time maps that show data as it happens. The strength of the platform is in enabling users to easily implement analytically robust data driven solutions. Showcased below are a few examples of maps in action. More examples of maps developed using CartoDB can be found here see more...


This is a unique combination of just 3 words that identifies a 3mx3m square, anywhere on the planet. It helps deliver business efficiencies,        drive growth and help the social & economic development of countries. Example of use: A UN-ASIGN application has been developed by AnsuR for crowd sourcing geo-tagged photos and text from areas affected by large humanitarian disasters to the United Nations entity UNITAR/UNOSAT. Download app iTunes or Android. see more...

Global Forest Watch Open Data Portal

Includes forest change, forest cover, forest use, conservation and people data. see more...



Let’s Do It!

This is a civic led movement which began in Estonia in 2008 when 50,000 people gathered to clean up the entire country in just five hours. It is now an international movement with 112 countries working together, engaging over 13 million participants. Help clean up illegally dumped solid waste and keep our planet clean!see more...

Additional resources

Esri’s ArcGIS Citizen Science Resources: Blogs and Twitter.

Extreme Citizen Science  

The Eye on Earth Summit 2015.