Access to non-solid fuel (SE4All)
Access to non-solid fuel, rural (SE4All)
Access to non-solid fuel, urban (SE4All)
Adolescent fertility rate
Adolescent tobacco use: Females
Adolescent tobacco use: Males
Adult literacy rate
Adult literacy rate, female
Adult literacy rate, male
Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population)
Agricultural area actually irrigated, Thousand hectares
Agricultural area, % land
Agricultural area, Thousand hectares
Agriculture employment, both sexes
Agriculture employment, female
Agriculture employment, male
Agriculture Gross production index number
Agriculture value added per worker (Constant 2010 US dollar)
AIDS deaths
AIDS deaths, per 100k pop
Ammonia (NH3) emissions, Kt
Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes (Exports SITC 4), %
Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes (Exports SITC 4), million $
Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes (Imports SITC 4), %
Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes (Imports SITC 4), million $
Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits
Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit
Arable land, Thousand hectares
Average annual GDP (2010 US dollars) growth rate
Average annual GDP per capita (2015 US dollars) growth rate
Average dietary energy supply adequacy
Beverages and tobacco (Exports SITC 1), %
Beverages and tobacco (Exports SITC 1), million $
Beverages and tobacco (Imports SITC 1), %
Beverages and tobacco (Imports SITC 1), million $
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) emissions
Births attended by skilled health personnel
Black Carbon (BC) emissions, Kt
Carbon Monoxide (CO) emissions, Kt
Cereal production
Cereal yield total
Chemicals and related products, n.e.s. (Exports SITC 5), %
Chemicals and related products, n.e.s. (Exports SITC 5), million $
Chemicals and related products, n.e.s. (Imports SITC 5), %
Chemicals and related products, n.e.s. (Imports SITC 5), million $
Child dependency ratio
Child population 0-14 (% of total)
Child sex ratio
Children under 5 moderately or severely underweight, both sexes %
Cities with 0.3 to 0.5 million people, % total
Cities with 0.3 to 0.5 million people, % urban
Cities with 0.3 to 0.5 million people, thousand people
Cities with 0.5 to 1 million people, % total
Cities with 0.5 to 1 million people, % urban
Cities with 0.5 to 1 million people, thousand people
Cities with 1 to 5 million people, % total
Cities with 1 to 5 million people, % urban
Cities with 1 to 5 million people, thousand people
Cities with 10 million or more people, % total
Cities with 10 million or more people, % urban
Cities with 10 million or more people, thousand people
Cities with 5 to 10 million people, % total
Cities with 5 to 10 million people, % urban
Cities with 5 to 10 million people, thousand people
Cities with less than 0.3 million people, % total
Cities with less than 0.3 million people, % urban
Cities with less than 0.3 million people, thousand people
Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere in the SITC (Exports SITC 9), %
Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere in the SITC (Exports SITC 9), million $
Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere in the SITC (Imports SITC 9), %
Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere in the SITC (Imports SITC 9), million $
Complex disasters, deaths/yr
Complex disasters, economic damages, 1000 $
Complex disasters, number of events
Complex disasters, people affected
Complex disasters, people injured
Complex disasters, people made homeless
Complex disasters, total people affected
Condom use at last high-risk sex, 15-24 year old females
Condom use at last high-risk sex, 15-24 year old males
Contraceptive prevalence rate, females 15-49 years old
Contraceptive prevalence rate, modern method
Contributing family workers, Female
Contributing family workers, Male
Crude birth rate
Crude death rate
Crude materials, inedible, except fuels (Exports SITC 2), %
Crude materials, inedible, except fuels (Exports SITC 2), million $
Crude materials, inedible, except fuels (Imports SITC 2), %
Crude materials, inedible, except fuels (Imports SITC 2), million $
Deaths attributable to ambient air pollution all causes, female (Total)
Deaths attributable to ambient air pollution all causes, male (Total)
Distribution of Agricultural Holders, female (%)
Distribution of Agricultural Holders, male (%)
Distribution of Agricultural Landowners, female (%)
Distribution of Agricultural Landowners, male (%)
Education survival rate, last grade of primary
Effective transition rate (primary to secondary)
Elderly population 65 and above (% of total)
Employees, Female
Employees, Male
Employers sex ratio
Employers, Female
Employers, Male
Employment by status: Contributing family workers
Employment by status: Own account workers
Employment sex ratio, non-agricultural employment
Employment sex ratio, overall employment
Employment-to-population ratio, both sexes
Employment-to-population ratio, female
Employment-to-population ratio, male
Enrolment (tertiary) in Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary programmes
Enrolment (tertiary) in Business, administration and law programmes
Enrolment (tertiary) in Education programmes
Enrolment (tertiary) in Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction programmes
Enrolment (tertiary) in Health and Welfare programmes
Enrolment (tertiary) in Humanities and Arts programmes
Enrolment (tertiary) in Information and communication technologies programmes
Enrolment (tertiary) in Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics programmes
Enrolment (tertiary) in programmes in unspecified fields
Enrolment (tertiary) in Services programmes
Enrolment (tertiary) in Social sciences, journalism and information programmes
Enrolment in tertiary education, both sexes (number)
Expenditure on post-secondary non-tertiary
Expenditure on pre-primary
Expenditure on primary
Expenditure on secondary
Expenditure on tertiary
Exports of charges for the use of intellectual property, n.i.e.
Exports of construction services
Exports of financial services
Exports of insurance and pension services
Exports of maintenance and repair services, n.i.e.
Exports of manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others
Exports of other business services
Exports of personal, cultural and recreational services
Exports of telecommunications, computer and information services
Exports of transportation services
Exports of travel services
External debt stocks (% of GNI)
External debt stocks, total (DOD, current US$)
FDI inflows, change/yr
FDI inward stock, % GDP
FDI inward stock, change/yr
FDI inward stock, million $
FDI outflows, % GDP
FDI outflows, change/yr
FDI outflows, million $
FDI outward stock, % GDP
FDI outward stock, change/yr
FDI outward stock, million $
Fertility rate
Fertilizer consumption
Fisheries employment, female (%)
Fisheries employment, male (%)
Fixed telephone subscriptions
Fixed telephone subscriptions (change/yr)
Food and live animals (Exports SITC 0), %
Food and live animals (Exports SITC 0), million $
Food and live animals (Imports SITC 0), %
Food and live animals (Imports SITC 0), million $
Food supply, meat, total
Food supply, milk, total
Foreign population, %
Foreign population, thousands
GDP (current PPP dollars) PPP $
GDP (current PPP dollars), change/yr
GDP by activity: Agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing
GDP by activity: Agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing
GDP by activity: Agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing
GDP by activity: Construction
GDP by activity: Construction
GDP by activity: Construction
GDP by activity: Manufacturing
GDP by activity: Manufacturing
GDP by activity: Mining, Manufacturing, Utilities
GDP by activity: Mining, Manufacturing, Utilities
GDP by activity: Mining, Manufacturing, Utilities
GDP by activity: Other Activities
GDP by activity: Other Activities
GDP by activity: Other Activities
GDP by activity: Transport, storage and communication
GDP by activity: Transport, storage and communication
GDP by activity: Transport, storage and communication
GDP by activity: Wholesale, retail trade, restaurants and hotels
GDP by activity: Wholesale, retail trade, restaurants and hotels
GDP by activity: Wholesale, retail trade, restaurants and hotels
GDP by expenditure: Changes in inventories
GDP by expenditure: Changes in inventories 2015 $
GDP by expenditure: Exports of goods and services
GDP by expenditure: Exports of goods and services 2015 $
GDP by expenditure: Final consumption expenditure
GDP by expenditure: Final consumption expenditure 2015 $
GDP by expenditure: General government final consumption expenditure
GDP by expenditure: General government final consumption expenditure 2015 $
GDP by expenditure: Gross capital formation
GDP by expenditure: Gross capital formation 2015 $
GDP by expenditure: Gross fixed capital formation
GDP by expenditure: Gross fixed capital formation 2015 $
GDP by expenditure: Household consumption expenditure
GDP by expenditure: Household consumption expenditure 2015 $
GDP by expenditure: Imports of goods and services
GDP by expenditure: Imports of goods and services 2015 $
GDP PPP (Constant 2017 International dollars)
GDP PPP (Constant 2017 International dollars), change/yr
Gender parity index; gross primary enrolment
Gender parity index; gross secondary enrolment
Gender parity index; gross tertiary enrolment
Gender parity index; net primary enrolment
Gender parity index; net secondary enrolment
Gender wage gap
General government health expenditure
General government health expenditure, per capita
Gini index
Graduates (tertiary) from Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary programmes
Graduates (tertiary) from Arts and humanities programmes
Graduates (tertiary) from Business, administration and law programmes
Graduates (tertiary) from Education programmes
Graduates (tertiary) from Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction programmes
Graduates (tertiary) from Health and Welfare programmes
Graduates (tertiary) from Information and communication technologies programmes
Graduates (tertiary) from Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics programmes
Graduates (tertiary) from Other fields than science, technology, engineering and mathematics programmes
Graduates (tertiary) from programmes in unspecified fields
Graduates (tertiary) from science, technology, engineering and mathematics programmes
Graduates (tertiary) from Services programmes
Graduates (tertiary) from Social sciences, journalism and information programmes
Graduates from tertiary education, both sexes
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, total
Gross domestic expenditure on research and development, % GDP
Gross domestic expenditure on research and development, 1,000 2005 PPP $
Gross domestic expenditure on research and development, per capita
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), $ per capita
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 2011 PPP $ per capita
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 2015 $ per capita
Gross Domestic Product in constant prices
Gross Domestic Product in current prices
Gross Domestic Product in current prices
Gross enrolment in pre-primary education
Gross enrolment in primary education
Gross enrolment in secondary education
Gross enrolment in tertiary education
Gross graduation ratio in lower secondary
Gross intake ratio to the first grade of lower secondary general education
Gross national income in current prices $
Gross national income in current prices, $ per capita
HIV incidence rate, aged 15-49 years
HIV prevalence in men who have sex with men, %
HIV prevalence in people who inject drugs, %
HIV prevalence in sex workers, %
HIV prevalence rate, aged 15-49 years
Household air pollution deaths, both sexes, Total (number)
Household air pollution deaths, female, Total (number)
Household air pollution deaths, male, Total (number)
Households with water < 30 minutes away round trip (%)
Households with water >=30 minutes away round trip (%)
Households with water on the premises (%)
Human Development Index (HDI)
Illiterate adults, female
Illiterate adults, total (number)
Inbound tourism (Arrivals)
Inbound tourism expenditure, % GDP
Inbound tourism expenditure, million $
Income/consumption of middle quintile (third 20%)
Income/consumption of poorest decile (lowest 10%)
Income/consumption of poorest quintile (lowest 20%)
Income/consumption of richest decile (highestest 10%)
Income/consumption of richest quintile (highest 20%)
Income/consumption of second poorest quintile (second 20%)
Income/consumption of second richest quintile (fourth 20%)
Industry employment, both sexes
Industry employment, female
Industry employment, male
Infant mortality rate, both sexes (deaths/live births)
Inflation end of period consumer prices, %
Inflation end of period consumer prices, Index
Inflation rate average consumer prices, %
Inflation rate average consumer prices, Index
Inheritance rights, daughters
Inheritance rights, Law
Inheritance rights, widows
Initial government funding of education per primary student
Initial government funding of education per secondary student
Initial government funding of education per tertiary student
Intentional homicide
Internet users female, (%)
Internet users male, (%)
Labour force participation rate 15+, both sexes
Labour force participation rate 15+, female
Labour force participation rate 15+, male
Labour productivity (Constant 2010 US dollar)
Legislation on violence against women, domestic violence
Legislation on violence against women, rape violence
Legislation on violence against women, sexual harassment
Life expectancy at birth, both sexes
Life expectancy at birth, Female
Life expectancy at birth, Male
Living forest biomass, change/yr
Living forest biomass, MT
Machinery and transport equipment (Exports SITC 7), %
Machinery and transport equipment (Exports SITC 7), million $
Machinery and transport equipment (Imports SITC 7), %
Machinery and transport equipment (Imports SITC 7), million $
Malaria cases
Malaria deaths
Malaria deaths, both sexes per 100k pop
Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material (Exports SITC 6), %
Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material (Exports SITC 6), million $
Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material (Imports SITC 6), %
Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material (Imports SITC 6), million $
Medium size cities (More than 300 000 people in 2018), change/yr
Medium size cities (More than 300 000 people in 2018), thousand people
Merchant fleet by flag of registration (Bulk carriers)
Merchant fleet by flag of registration (Container ships)
Merchant fleet by flag of registration (General cargo)
Merchant fleet by flag of registration (Oil tankers)
Merchant fleet by flag of registration (Other types)
Merchant fleet by flag of registration (total)
Methane (CH4) emissions, change/yr
Methane (CH4) emissions, Kt
Methane (CH4) emissions, per capita
Methane emissions (CH4) from agriculture
Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (Exports SITC 3), %
Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (Exports SITC 3), million $
Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (Imports SITC 3), %
Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (Imports SITC 3), million $
Miscellaneous manufactured articles (Exports SITC 8), %
Miscellaneous manufactured articles (Exports SITC 8), million $
Miscellaneous manufactured articles (Imports SITC 8), %
Miscellaneous manufactured articles (Imports SITC 8), million $
Mobile cellular subscriptions (change/yr)
Mortality rate, all causes, both sexes
Mortality rate, communicable diseases, both sexes
Mortality rate, injuries, both sexes
Mortality rate, non-communicable diseases, both sexes
Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)
Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), %
Natural disasters, biological, deaths/yr
Natural disasters, biological, economic damages, 1000 $
Natural disasters, biological, number of events
Natural disasters, biological, people affected
Natural disasters, biological, people injured
Natural disasters, biological, people made homeless
Natural disasters, biological, total people affected
Natural disasters, climatological, deaths/yr
Natural disasters, climatological, economic damages, 1000 $
Natural disasters, climatological, number of events
Natural disasters, climatological, people affected
Natural disasters, climatological, people injured
Natural disasters, climatological, people made homeless
Natural disasters, climatological, total people affected
Natural disasters, deaths/yr
Natural disasters, economic damages, 1000 $
Natural disasters, geophysical, deaths/yr
Natural disasters, geophysical, economic damages, 1000 $
Natural disasters, geophysical, number of events
Natural disasters, geophysical, people affected
Natural disasters, geophysical, people injured
Natural disasters, geophysical, people made homeless
Natural disasters, geophysical, total people affected
Natural disasters, hydrological, deaths/yr
Natural disasters, hydrological, economic damages, 1000 $
Natural disasters, hydrological, number of events
Natural disasters, hydrological, people affected
Natural disasters, hydrological, people injured
Natural disasters, hydrological, people made homeless
Natural disasters, hydrological, total people affected
Natural disasters, meteorological, deaths/yr
Natural disasters, meteorological, economic damages, 1000 $
Natural disasters, meteorological, number of events
Natural disasters, meteorological, people affected
Natural disasters, meteorological, people injured
Natural disasters, meteorological, people made homeless
Natural disasters, meteorological, total people affected
Natural disasters, number of events
Natural disasters, people affected
Natural disasters, people injured
Natural disasters, people made homeless
Naturally regenerated forest
Net enrolment in primary education
Net enrolment in secondary education
Net Food production index (2004-2006 = 100)
Net migration rate
Nitrogen consumption in nutrients
Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from agriculture
Nitrous oxide (NO2) emissions, Kt
Number of hospital beds, per 10,000 pop
Number of nursing and midwifery personnel
Number of physicians
Old age dependency ratio
Old-age support ratio
Out-of-pocket health expenditure
Out-of-school children of primary
Out-of-school children of primary, female
Out-of-school children of primary, male
Outbound tourism (Departures)
Outbound tourism expenditure, % GDP
Outbound tourism expenditure, million $
Over-age enrolment ratio, primary
Own account workers, Female
Own account workers, Male
Passenger cars
Phosphate consumption in nutrients
Planted forest, change/yr
Planted forest, Thousand hectares
Population aged 15-64, total
Population aged 15-64, total (% total population)
Population aged 60+, total
Population density
Population growth
Population in the largest city (% of urban population)
Population in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million (% of total population)
Population living with HIV: Total
Population relying on traditional use of biomass
Population sex ratio
Population size
Population using solid fuels
Population using solid fuels, rural
Population using solid fuels, urban
Population with advanced HIV with access to ART
Population, Both sexes, 0-4 years
Population, Both sexes, 10-14 years
Population, Both sexes, 100+ years
Population, Both sexes, 15-19 years
Population, Both sexes, 20-24 years
Population, Both sexes, 25-29 years
Population, Both sexes, 30-34 years
Population, Both sexes, 35-39 years
Population, Both sexes, 40-44 years
Population, Both sexes, 45-49 years
Population, Both sexes, 5-9 years
Population, Both sexes, 50-54 years
Population, Both sexes, 55-59 years
Population, Both sexes, 60-64 years
Population, Both sexes, 65-69 years
Population, Both sexes, 70-74 years
Population, Both sexes, 75-79 years
Population, Both sexes, 80+ years
Population, Both sexes, 80-84 years
Population, Both sexes, 85-89 years
Population, Both sexes, 90-94 years
Population, Both sexes, 95-99 years
Population, female, 0-4 years
Population, female, 10-14 years
Population, female, 100+ years
Population, female, 15-19 years
Population, female, 20-24 years
Population, female, 25-29 years
Population, female, 30-34 years
Population, female, 35-39 years
Population, female, 40-44 years
Population, female, 45-49 years
Population, female, 5-9 years
Population, female, 50-54 years
Population, female, 55-59 years
Population, female, 60-64 years
Population, female, 65-69 years
Population, female, 70-74 years
Population, female, 75-79 years
Population, female, 80+ years
Population, female, 80-84 years
Population, female, 85-89 years
Population, female, 90-94 years
Population, female, 95-99 years
Population, Male, 0-4 years
Population, Male, 10-14 years
Population, Male, 100+ years
Population, Male, 15-19 years
Population, Male, 20-24 years
Population, Male, 25-29 years
Population, Male, 30-34 years
Population, Male, 35-39 years
Population, Male, 40-44 years
Population, Male, 45-49 years
Population, Male, 5-9 years
Population, Male, 50-54 years
Population, Male, 55-59 years
Population, Male, 60-64 years
Population, Male, 65-69 years
Population, Male, 70-74 years
Population, Male, 75-79 years
Population, Male, 80+ years
Population, Male, 80-84 years
Population, Male, 85-89 years
Population, Male, 90-94 years
Population, Male, 95-99 years
Population: men
Population: women
Potash consumption in nutrients
Poverty gap ratio at $1.90 a day in 2011 PPP
Poverty headcount ratio at $2 a day in 2011 PPP, %
Primary forest, % forest
Primary forest, % forest land
Primary forest, change/yr
Primary forest, Thousand hectares
Private health expenditure
Produced municipal wastewater
Proportion of population without electricity, All areas
Public expenditure on education, % GDP
Public expenditure on education, % tot gov expenditure
Pupil-teacher ratio in primary education
Pupil-teacher ratio in secondary education
Railway density
Recorded adult per capita consumption, total
Renewable water, internal
Renewable water, total
Renewable water, total per capita
Rural Population, %
Rural Population, thousands
School life expectancy, primary to tertiary, female
School life expectancy, primary to tertiary, male
Services employment, both sexes
Services employment, female
Services employment, male
Share of dietary energy supply derived from cereals, roots and tubers
Smoking prevalence rate: Females
Smoking prevalence rate: Males
Stocks fished at biologically sustainable levels (%)
Stocks fished at biologically unsustainable levels (%)
Student mobility in-bound rate, both sexes (%)
Student mobility out-bound rate, both sexes (%)
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions, Kg per capita
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions, Kt
Tariff simple average, Agricultural products
Tariff simple average, all product
Tariff simple average, Non-agricultural products
Technological disasters, deaths/yr
Technological disasters, economic damages, 1000 $
Technological disasters, number of events
Technological disasters, people affected
Technological disasters, people injured
Technological disasters, people made homeless
Technological disasters, total people affected
Threatened species, Amphibians
Threatened species, Birds
Threatened species, Fishes
Threatened species, Mammals
Threatened species, Molluscs
Threatened species, Other inverts
Threatened species, Plants
Threatened species, Reptiles
Threatened species, total
Total employment 15+, both sexes (thousand)
Total employment 15+, female (thousand)
Total employment 15+, male (thousand)
Total employment, change/yr
Total freshwater withdrawal
Total freshwater withdrawal, per capita
Total health expenditure
Total health expenditure, per capita
Total persons held in prisons
Total persons held in prisons, per 100k pop
Total primary energy supply (TPES)
Total Terrestrial KBAs
Total water withdrawal
Trained teachers for primary education according to national standards
Trained teachers for secondary education according to national standards
Treated municipal wastewater
Tuberculosis deaths
Tuberculosis detection rate under DOTS
Tuberculosis prevalence rate
Urban population, %
Urban population, change/yr
Urban population, thousands
Value of agricultural production
Vocational programmes in secondary education
Water withdrawal, agriculture %
Water withdrawal, industry %
Water withdrawal, municipal
Water withdrawal, municipal %
Women in parliament: Number of seats in the lower or single house
Women in parliament: Number of seats in the upper house or senate
Women in parliament: Number of women in the upper house or senate
Women researchers
Women's access to financial services
Women's access to land
Women's access to non-land assets
Women's access to non-land assets, law
Women's access to non-land assets, practice
Women's secure access to formal financial services, law
Women's secure access to formal financial services, practice
Youth literacy rate, female
Youth literacy rate, male